Helping Families Grow Through Adoption
Adoptions often happen when a mother determines that it would be in the best interest of both her and her child to find a more suitable home for her child. In family law, however, adoptions involving minors of all ages and varying circumstances take place.
Understanding The Adoption Process
Virginia Erwin Sirera is a Mandeville, Louisiana, adoption attorney serving individuals throughout the Louisiana North Shore and surrounding areas. She has more than 25 years of experience in handling a variety of adoption matters, including:
- Intrafamily adoptions: This kind of adoption is more commonly known as a stepparent adoption or grandparent adoption. This usually takes place when the child’s parent is not available or suitable to care for a minor. Sometimes this is due to issues of drug abuse, physical abuse, neglect or other serious health and safety concerns. In other cases, it may simply be due to blended and changing family dynamics.
- Legal guardianships: A legal guardianship differs from an adoption in that legal rights of the child’s original parent are still in place. Legal guardianship offers an option for individuals who need to have some amount of legal decision-making power for a child but still wants a parent to have rights. This may be due to issues regarding relocation, such as a parent entering into the military, or a child attending a school in a different location. The legal guardian would be put in place to help enroll the child in school, take him or her to the doctor, or perform other necessary transactions involving the health and well-being of the child. This can also be discussed during complex divorces and high-asset divorces.
Often, adoption is necessary, but one parent cannot be located. In those situations, a curator can be appointed to help track down the absent parent or file all necessary paperwork to ensure that the adoption can go forward. No matter what the circumstances are, Virginia Erwin Sirera can help you handle the legalities of blended family issues and adoptions.
For Proper Guidance, Call Today
In family law issues, the Law Office of Virginia Erwin Sirera, LLC, can bring a high degree of skill and knowledge to the table as a qualified, court-appointed, third-party mediator and experienced lawyer. She offers consultations over the telephone and off-site, evening and weekend appointments can be arranged. Credit cards are accepted and she offers reasonable rates. Contact her at 985-246-3180 for more information on Mediation.